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Putty, WinSCP, and Filezilla vulnerable, update or adapt

Recently a serious bug has been discovered in PuTTY which can allow an attacker to guess your private keys. It has been assigned CVE-2024-31497. The description of it mentions Git and such, but could be exploited by a number of other ways. It says the exploit "also affects, for example, FileZilla before 3.67.0, WinSCP before 6.3.3, TortoiseGit before, and TortoiseSVN through 1.14.6.".

I thought this was interesting and important since many of my customers use Windows, and that this effects a majority of the software those customers use to access my services. However, despite being on Windows you do not actually need to do things so differently from Linux nerds like myself. You can use proper OpenSSH packages on your system, with their higher record of reliability through Cygwin or the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

If you do that, or better, you use Linux itself you are going to have a much stronger system overall. I recommend taking advantage of this fact, and moving from Windows.

If you have used the vulnerable versions with my service, I promise I never did anything to exploit this bug.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 0:59:21 08/09/24 UTC

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