getTrace(); //position 0 would be the line that called this function so we ignore it $last_call = $trace[1]; print_r($last_call); } function getBool($val) { if ($val) return "true"; else return "false"; } function printDebug($msg) { if (DEBUGOUT) { echo "picosite DEBUG: " . $msg . "\n"; file_put_contents("debug.log", $msg . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo "
"; } } function printDebugArray($msg, $array) { printDebug($msg); foreach ($array as $key => $value) printDebug($key . " = " . $value); } function transSecureSysName($string) { //dumb method name $newstring = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9.-]/","",$string); return $newstring; } function transStart($instring, $substring) { $length = strlen($substring); return (substr($instring, 0, $length) === $substring); } function transEnd($instring, $substring) { $length = strlen($substring); return $length === 0 || (substr($instring, -$length) === $substring); } function transStripNode($nodes) { $stripped = []; foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) { $nodesplit = explode('/', $node); $snode = $nodesplit[1]; $snodesplit = explode('.', $snode); $node = $snodesplit[0]; $stripped[$key] = $node; } return $stripped; } function getLinkMain() { // this method makes a 'back to main page' link // and preserves the selected language $link = "/page.php"; if (isset($_GET['l'])) $link = $link + "?l=" . $_GET['l']; return $link; } function getPageTitles($files, $subpage = "[NONE]") { $newFiles = []; foreach ($files as $file) { $paths = explode("/", $file); if (count($paths) == 2) { $file = $paths[1]; $dir = $paths[0]; } $lang = NULL; $inslang = ""; $fn = NULL; $parts = explode('.', $file); $title = $parts[0]; if ((transEnd($file, "") && $dir === "blogs") || (transEnd($file, "") && $dir === "guides") || (transEnd($file, "") && $dir === $subpage)) { if (count($parts) == 3) { $type = $parts[1]; } elseif ( count($parts) == 5) { $type = $parts[3]; } } elseif (transEnd($file, ".page") && $dir === ".") { $type = "page"; } if (($subpage === "[NONE]") && $type === "sub") { continue; } if (!is_null($_GET['l'])) { $lang = $_GET['l']; $inslang = "." . $lang . ".trans"; } if ($type === "blog") $fn = "blogs/" . $title . $inslang . ""; if ($type === "guide") $fn = "guides/" . $title . $inslang . ""; if ($type === "sub") $fn = $subpage . "/" . $title . $inslang . ""; if ((($type === "page") && transEnd($file, ".page"))) $fn = $title . $inslang . ".page"; if (!is_null($fn)) { array_push($newFiles, $fn); } } $files = $newFiles; $titledRefs = []; foreach ($files as $file) { $hastitle = false; $ispub = true; $filesplit = explode(".", $file); $node = $filesplit[0]; $nodesplit = explode("/", $node); if (count($nodesplit) == 2) { $node = $nodesplit[1]; } if (!file_exists($file)) { $titledRefs[$node] = "Missing File"; continue; } $page = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("\n", $page); #find if page requires publish picocode foreach ($lines as $line) { if (transStart($line, "%%##holdpub")) { $ispub = false; } } #find the page title foreach ($lines as $line) { if (transStart($line, "%%##title=")) { $sides = explode("=", $line); $title = $sides[1]; $titledRefs[$node] = $title; $hastitle = true; } } printDebug("getPageTitles(): \$ispub = " . getBool($ispub)); if (!$hastitle) $titledRefs[$node] = "Untitled Page"; if (!$ispub) $titledRefs[$node] = "%%HIDE%%"; } return $titledRefs; } function getPriceBitcoin() { $datadir = CURRENCY_DAT; if (!transEnd($datadir,"/")) $datadir = $datadir . "/"; return (float) file_get_contents($datadir . "btc-price"); } function getPriceMonero() { $datadir = CURRENCY_DAT; if (!transEnd($datadir,"/")) $datadir = $datadir . "/"; return (float) file_get_contents($datadir . "xmr-price"); } function getItemList() { $items = []; $data = file_get_contents("itemlist.txt"); $lines = explode("\n", $data); foreach ($lines as $line) { $split = explode(',', $line); $name = $split[0]; $price = $split[1]; if ($name !== "") $items[$name] = $price; } return $items; } function getItemListOld() { $items = []; if (file_exists("itemlist-old.txt") === false) { $items['NOFILE'] = true; return $items; } $data = file_get_contents("itemlist-old.txt"); $lines = explode("\n", $data); foreach ($lines as $line) { $split = explode(',', $line); $name = $split[0]; $price = $split[1]; if ($name !== "") $items[$name] = $price; } return $items; } function getPageSubpage($file) { $subname = "[NOFILE]"; if (file_exists($file)) { $subname = "[NOSUB]"; $content = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (transStart($line, "%%##subpg=")) { $exploded = explode("=", $line); $subname = $exploded[1]; break; } } } return $subname; } function getPageFile($subpagedir = "[NONE]") { $fn = ""; $inslang = ""; if (is_null($_GET['q']) || $_GET['q'] === "") $_GET['q'] = 'main'; if (!is_null($_GET['l'])) $inslang = "." . $_GET['l'] . ".trans"; if (is_null($_GET['g']) && is_null($_GET['b']) && is_null($_GET['sp'])) $fn = $_GET["q"] . $inslang . ".page"; if (!is_null($_GET['g']) && is_null($_GET['b']) && is_null($_GET['sp'])) { $fn = "guides/" . $_GET['g'] . $inslang . ""; } if (is_null($_GET['g']) && !is_null($_GET['b']) && is_null($_GET['sp'])) { $fn = "blogs/" . $_GET['b'] . $inslang . ""; } if (is_null($_GET['g']) && is_null($_GET['b']) && !is_null($_GET['sp'])) { if ($subpagedir === "[NONE]") { $subname = getPageSubpage($_GET['q'] . ".page"); if ($subname === "[NOFILE]") { $fn = $_GET['q'] . ".page"; //if this looks odd it does a 404 } else if ($subname === "[NOSUB]") { return $subname; } else { $subpagedir = $subname; } } $fn = $subpagedir . "/" . $_GET['sp'] . $inslang . ""; } return $fn; } function printDomains($msg) { if (file_exists("domainlist.txt")) { printDebug("printDomians() domain list exists"); $domains = file_get_contents("domainlist.txt"); $domains = explode("\n", $domains); } else { return; } echo "$msg"; foreach ($domains as $domain) { if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] === $domain) continue; echo '' . $domain . " "; } echo "\n"; } function printCoreOut($text) { debugMethodName(); if (is_string($text)) { if (preg_match('/\n/', $text)) { $text = explode('\n', $text); } else { echo "$text"; } } if (is_array($text)) { foreach ($text as $line) { echo "$line\n"; } } } function printPrice($itemname, $usdprice, $oldprice) { $oldmode = true; if ($oldprice === "NOFILE") { $oldmode = false; } $btc = getPriceBitcoin(); $xmr = getPriceMonero(); $btcp = number_format($usdprice / $btc, 6); $xmrp = number_format($usdprice / $xmr, 6); $sym = CURRENCY_SYM; if ($oldmode) { echo "$itemname$sym$oldprice$sym$usdpriceLTC: $btcpXMR: $xmrp\n"; } else { echo "$itemname$sym$usdpriceLTC: $btcpXMR: $xmrp\n"; } } function printItemListing() { if (CURRENCY_DAT === "%%NODATA%%") { return; } $datadir = CURRENCY_DAT; if (!transEnd($datadir,'/')) $datadir = $datadir . "/"; printDebug("printItemListing: the datadir is $datadir"); $oldmode = true; if (!file_exists("itemlist.txt")) { http_response_code(404); print "

Price list does not exist.

"; return; } $items = getItemList(); $olditems = getItemListOld(); $timebtc = filemtime("$datadir/btc-price"); $timexmr = filectime("$datadir/xmr-price"); if ($olditems['NOFILE'] === true) { $oldmode = false; unset($olditems["NOFILE"]); } echo "

LTC " . date("G:i:s d/m/Y", $timebtc) . ": $" . getPriceBitcoin() . "
\n"; echo "XMR " . date("G:i:s d/m/Y", $timexmr) . ": $" . getPriceMonero() . "
\n"; echo "\n"; if ($oldmode) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } $oldprice=0; foreach ($items as $name => $price) { $exists = False; foreach($olditems as $oname => $oprice) { if ($oname === $name) { $oldprice = $oprice; $exists = True; } } if (!$exists) $oldprice = "XX.XX"; if (!$oldmode) $oldprice = "NOFILE"; printPrice($name, $price, $oldprice); } echo "
Name of ItemOld pricePriceLitecoin costMonero cost
Name of ItemPriceLitecoin costMonero cost
\n"; } function printBlog($justone = False, $amount = 0, $start = 0) { if ($_GET['b'] == null) { if (!file_exists("blogs/")) { return; } if (!is_null($_GET['l'])) $blogdir = glob("blogs/*"); else $blogdir = glob("blogs/*"); $blogs = []; $x = 0; $inslang = ""; $getlang = ""; if (!is_null($_GET['l'])) { $inslang = "." . $_GET['l'] . ".trans"; $getlang = "&l=" . $_GET['l']; } foreach ($blogdir as $blog) { if ($blog === ".." || $blog === ".") continue; if (is_null($_GET['l']) && transEnd($blog, "")) continue; if (transEnd($blog, "")) { $fileparts = explode('.', $blog); $name = $fileparts[0]; $fn = $name . $inslang . ""; $ctime = filemtime($fn); $blogs[$x + $ctime] = $fn; $x++; } } krsort($blogs); $titled = getPageTitles($blogs); $blogs = transStripNode($blogs); echo ''; $x = 0; foreach ($blogs as $time => $blog) { $time = $time - $x; $x++; $thetitle = "Untitled Blog"; $thenode = ""; foreach ($titled as $node => $title) { if ($blog === $node) { $thetitle = $title; $thenode = $node; } } if ($thetitle === "%%HIDE%%") { continue; } echo ''; if ($justone) echo "

Latest blog post...

"; if (($x - $start) >= 0) { echo '\n"; } if (($x - $start) == $amount) break; if ($justone) break; } echo "
' . date("G:i:s d/m/Y", $time) . '' . $thetitle . "
\n"; } else { if (!file_exists("blogs/")) return; if ($justone) return; $file = getPageFile(); if (!file_exists($file)) { http_response_code(404); echo "

Blog not found in the blogs folder

"; } $lines = explode("\n", $file); printCoreOut($lines); } } function printGuide() { if ($_GET['g'] == null) { echo "\n"; } else { $file = getPageFile(); $lines = explode("\n", $file); printCoreOut($lines); echo '

Back to Guides'; } } function printSubpage($groupname) { $groupname = transSecureSysName($groupname); //this stops injection $lang = transSecureSysName($_GET['l']); $subpages = []; if (!file_exists($groupname . '/')) { http_response_code(404); print "

Subpage called when directory does not exist

"; return; } if (is_null($_GET['sp'])) { $subpagesdir = scandir($groupname . '/'); $inslang = ""; $getlang = ""; if (!is_null($_GET['l'])) { $inslang = "." . $_GET['l'] . ".trans"; $getlang = "&l=" . $_GET['l']; } foreach($subpagesdir as $subpage) { if ($subpage === ".." || $subpage === ".") continue; $exploded = explode('.', $subpage); $thissub = $exploded[0]; $fn = $groupname . '/' . $thissub . $inslang . ""; array_push($subpages, $groupname . '/' . $thissub . $inslang . ""); } $titled = getPageTitles($subpages, $groupname); echo ""; } else { $file = getPageFile($groupname); if (!file_exists($file)) { http_response_code(404); print "

Subpage called but file does not exist

"; return; } $grouptitle = getPageTitle($file); printFile($file); echo '

Back to ' . $grouptitle . ''; } } function printFile($file) { global $HIDEPAGE; if ($HIDEPAGE) { echo "The following page is currently hidden from view, and is probably a work in progress."; http_response_code(404); return; } if (file_exists($file)) { debugMethodName(); $content = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 4) !== "%%##") { printCoreOut($line); echo "\n"; } else { // eventually this will be a function of // similar things but for now it just has // icnlude, which includes a file if (transStart($line, "%%##incld=")) { $exploded = explode("=", $line); $incl = $exploded[1]; printFile($incl); } if (transStart($line, "%%##subpg=")) { $exploded = explode("=", $line); $subpage = $exploded[1]; printSubpage($subpage); } if (transStart($line, "%%##guide")) { printGuide(); } if (transStart($line, "%%##blogs")) { printBlog(); } if (transStart($line, "%%##price")) { if (transStart($line, "%%##price=all")) { printDebug("printFile: we are calling printItemList()"); printItemListing(); } } } } } else { http_response_code(404); print("

File not found for this page

"); } } function printPageBody() { $pagefile = getPageFile(); printFile($pagefile); } function printLinkTop() { if (!is_null($_GET['l'])) $files = glob("./*"); else $files = glob("./*.page"); $links = array(); $links = getPageTitles($files); $ordered = array(); $file = file_get_contents("menulayout.txt"); $layout = explode("\n", $file); $newlinks = []; $rend = true; foreach ($layout as $node) { if (($links[$node] === "") || ($links[$node] == null)) { continue; } $ordered[$node] = $links[$node]; unset($links[$node]); } if (count($layout) == 0) $rend = false; $iters = count($ordered); $incr = 1; if ($rend) echo MENULINK_LFT; foreach ($ordered as $node => $title) { if (!$rend) break; if ($title === "%%HIDE%%") continue; if (is_null($_GET['l'])) { echo"$title"; } else { $lang = $_GET['l']; echo "$title"; } if ($incr == $iters) break; $incr = $incr + 1; echo MENULINK_MID; } if ($rend) echo MENULINK_RGT . "
\n"; $iters=count($links); $incr=1; echo MENULINK_LFT; foreach ($links as $node => $title) { if ($title === "%%HIDE%%") continue; if (($node === "") || ($node == null)) { continue; } if (is_null($_GET['l'])) { echo "$title"; } else { $lang = $_GET['l']; echo "$title"; } if ($incr == $iters) break; $incr = $incr + 1; echo MENULINK_MID; } echo MENULINK_RGT; } function printLinksLangs() { if (!file_exists("languages.txt")) return; $config = file_get_contents("languages.txt"); $relations = explode("\n", $config); $langs = []; foreach ($relations as $relation) { $splitted = explode(',', $relation); $code = $splitted[0]; $name = $splitted[1]; $langs[$code] = $name; } echo 'English '; $subpglink = ""; if (!is_null($_GET['sp'])) $subpglink = "&sp=" . $_GET['sp']; foreach ($langs as $key => $value) { echo '' . $value . ' '; } echo "
"; } function getPageTitle($pagefile) { $title = "Unnamed Page"; if (!file_exists($pagefile)) { $title = "Page not found"; } else { $page = file_get_contents($pagefile); $lines = explode("\n", $page); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (transStart($line, "%%##title=")) { $sides = explode("=", $line); $title = $sides[1]; } } $hide = false; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (transStart($line, "%%##holdpub")) $hide = true; } printDebug("getPageTitles(): \$hide = " . getBool($hide)); if ($hide) $title = "%%HIDE%%"; } return $title; } function printTitle() { global $HIDEPAGE; $pagefile = getPageFile(); $pagetitle = getPageTitle($pagefile); if ($pagetitle === "%%HIDE%%") { $HIDEPAGE = true; $pagetitle = "404: Hidden Page"; } echo $pagetitle; } if (file_exists("template.php")) { include("template.php"); exit(); } ?> <?php echo printTitle(); echo " :: "; echo SITENAME; ?>

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