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8:42:46 08/07/2024Disruption for important update on 8th of July

Business for sale $1,000,000 USD XMR (kind of a joke, kind of not)

Join the KLOS Community Forum to chat darkweb. (i2p helper)
We also sponsor Juvenile, a links list and communications server.

Service Management

We can create, install, and manage services. Installation of a service is an upfront cost. The services managed are billed with discounts. We manage pretty much manage any kind of FOSS with accurate and objective documention. You can still manage your own services and not pay anything.

Here are some of the things we can manage..

If you don't know what you want contact Kaizushi or t3chn0.

Prices may increase when the KLOS order book fills. When you contact us to get our services we still have to accept you as a customer.

  • picosite, site software for the site you are seeing, both installed free and managed for $
  • phpBB, Simple Machines for $12 up front and management for $11 a month.
  • Wordpress and Extensions support and installation strong starting at $23 upfront and and management for $16 a month
  • Drupal Basic Install, and then assignments to apply new features like forums, content types (news site, shop, blog), e-commerce, and the like. Install is $24 up front
  • for basic install, $30 for install with blog, and management for $20 a month and usually $4 a month. for each major site addon installed.
  • Private Vendor Store support and management as a part of ViewPVS $75 a month, installed for $245 per month. For more information see the ViewPVS page.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 3:51:35 27/07/24 UTC

Powered by Kaizu's Picosite 1.2.3 (klos version)!, and nginx running on Gentoo Hardened.

The picosite template file for this website, and the current page.php.
$ ln -s page.php page.php.txt