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I cook a delicious onion stew, without any chilli peppers.

Join the KLOS Community Forum to chat darkweb. (i2p helper)
We also sponsor Juvenile, a links list and communications server.

Many bugs fixed for many services

I have been fixing many bugs that have emerged as the server has far more demand. There have been changes to user, nginx, and PHP limits. There have been repairs of parts of the Infantile relay infrastructure to get it working. A lot of these problems do not appear on my service monitoring.

Many of the bugs I could have been informed about earlier.

If you find a good bug you can report it to me and likely get some kind of reward.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 0:57:48 08/09/24 UTC

Powered by Kaizu's Picosite 1.2.3 (klos version)!, and nginx running on Gentoo Hardened.

The picosite template file for this website, and the current page.php.
$ ln -s page.php page.php.txt