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I cook a delicious onion stew, without any chilli peppers.

Join the KLOS Community Forum to chat darkweb. (i2p helper)
We also sponsor Juvenile, a links list and communications server.

Litecoin replacing Bitcoin

I am no longer offering services in Bitcoin as of now, as fees on the network are egregiously high and make it no longer worth it to me. I am now instead offering my services for LTC, as well as the XMR cryptocurrency.

You will have to find places to get Litecoin yourself, as I don't want to recommend exchanges and such because I don't want to take any blame when they rip you off.

I have decided to simplify my price list, which has long been somewhat out of date. This is because nearly everyone wants a lot more than just the install of software done for them, and so certain rates are up to negotiation and bargaining.

Keep in mind that prices on this site are an advisory, but are quite near what you will pay.

That is all.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 1:05:52 08/09/24 UTC

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