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DDOS won't stop Incognitio's extortion (but it could stop you!)

There has been a recent development in Incognito markets exit scam, where vendors are being extorted. An invidiual on Dread is now offering to DDOS the market if you supply him your private links. I think this is stupid for a number of reasons, and it will not solve anything. Some of these reasons are based on my experience and knowledge as a longstanding Tor operator. Vengence solves nothing, and the attack will likely do nothing.

it must suck being blind

I'll start just with the hosting bill and the idea that the attack might cost them money. If there is a bandwidth overcharge, that bill will be sent out later, and given their limited need for the server anymore they will just run on the bill and not pay it. This means that the DDOS attack will only cost their hosting provider. Also, obviously, the attack will pointlessly congest the Tor network.

It will also have little effect because of how Tor works, and how they would be running it to have all of these private onions. When you host lots of onions you need to have different instances of Tor, running as their own processes with only a few onions in each. Because these private onions are used only a little bit by one person and maybe a few of their friends, the congestion control is going to work very well. Each instance is only going to be very limited in throughput.

Now, considering these points I make and that the hacker that wants your private onions has no answers to these questions, can he even do a DDOS attack on Tor? Because, he doesn't seem to know much about the network. He also lists these onions on a website, so maybe he is getting someone else to do the work. However, if the private links have mostly stayed private they will constitute a unique point of reference to who you actually are. Also, Incognito can use this same list of onions to shut down those specific instances!

Providing your private links could mean they are then used against you in a correlation attack. There are a number of possibilities here, but basically the time you do things and stuff like that correlates with the times actual things happen on other points on the Internet. Being private, these links can isolate these events specically and directly to you. With other things that might happen to Incognito this could be very bad.

While I am often usually just a skeptic, I can actually be pretty sure that vendors and people like me are not alone here. The value of the DN drug trade to operations at places like the CIA, and other similar organisations are obvious. This means that Incognito right now are also extorting places like that and a number of low level law enforcement operations. This means that what they are doing could stir up the national security infrastructure of places like the NSA with their PRISM and ECHELON surveilance in an attempt to save the governments face from the potential exposure of these operations.

What we have is an active crime scene, with the fuzz about to jump down on it. The logical thing to do here is to run for your life as fast as you can, and to never go back. Further involvement could just mean a foolish battle that you cannot win! So, if affected you should just burn your drop and leave anything that was connecting you behind. This can be hard, but you can't do much about loss.

On that note, when it comes to destruction and a never ending cycle of victimhood and populistic retribution the government really don't like competition. Because of the fact that the government takes advantage of the DN itself, and also these days many countries brag about having fake accounts and the like, despite clear statutes against entrapment this is going to be bad news for them and their image. Giving your private onions to anyone at this point is like hoodlum teen wannabe gangsters bragging about their crimes on Tik Tok (in reference to my metaphor before about a crime scene) and can only cause you more trouble.

Situations like this can only be put behind you, and getting more involved at this point would be stupid.

Footnote: I am not insinuating that the fake hacker is a LE agent, but he is a moron. Though, with an open list of private onions sent his way they will get to LE soon enough. I openly ask this person to confess to his bullshit and hacker LARP and stop this useless charade.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 1:00:01 08/09/24 UTC

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