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0:59:30 10/10/2024I have returned

I cook a delicious onion stew, without any chilli peppers.

Join the KLOS Community Forum to chat darkweb. (i2p helper)
We also sponsor Juvenile, a links list and communications server.

Main Page

You can also find me on my forum, #kloshost libera IRC channel, Juvenile IRC, on my contact form, and digital knowedge of Pygmailion's Refuge. I also publish a little list of darknet links.

Other pages on this site may be inaccurate and are old, this main page is new as of 2023.

It is Kaizu's Little Onion Server that has been providing for over six years hosting of Onion Sites. We offer: Hardened Gentoo Linux shared SSH shell, mail, HTTP Onion and i2p services, and more. Our webservices have long been our biggest, and best offering. Our Gentoo shared onion/i2p shared webserver does Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, MariaDB, and prosgresql (and a little bit more). My shell accounts and shared webserver accounts are Linux accounts with a full build environment, so BYO anything that can compile!

Systes are private and shared webserver systems feature naxsi by default, we also have good naxsi rules protecting most Wordpress sites we host without issues. There is also SELinux on the webserver running strict. My shell accounts server is not SELinux but is Gentoo Hardened. There is a reasonable degree of privacy and security, and we have in our toolchain and kernel every latest gen security mitigation.

My systems run on the virtual network on a variety of virtual machines on the little dedicated server that KLOS is. This is a private network but one system is a Tor middlebox, and this brings all inbound onion and outbout onion network services. At the same time each server VM (such as the main shells and web stack server) has a local transparenty proxy which takes things to a hidden service with a clearnet SOCKS proxy. Ordinary web applications, and web APIs (such as those that fetch bitcoin prices) remain unaffected.

I operate primarily as a business but most other things I do over at Juvenile. That includes a private onion XMPP server for intraserver communications. There is also email, and this involves a webmail interface. All of my systems are much like mail servers have always been in onionland where there is a clearnet server for access. I get my clearnet infrastructure behind the veil of being Kaizushi for BTC from a range of providers. All of these providers give little fucks about things Western governments might say as law enforcement.

I do private vendor stores based upon Wordpress, and a careful selection of plugins to make a private vendor store called ViewPVS. It supports XMR and BTC in a nice way, and works for customers without JS. This product is one of my most advanced things you can order in a hurry, it has rough edges but it is made of well scrutinized free and open source web software.

I conisder KLOS and it's servers clearnet and dark to be their own soverignty. I do not regard these servers as ruled by any government, state, or tribe. These are my servers and they are offered for the benefit of my customers. We will not bow down to any law or regulation that goes beyond the safety of the innocent.

Here are prices for my basic and essential services, but I also do much more.

(Monthly) Prices and services in USD


Shared SSH shell accounts

SSH shell accounts on a shared server, with the same clearnet relaying. Good for IRC chats, Libera hidden service and more.


Onion HTTP & SSH

HTTP sites with file access via SSH, PHP and Fastcgi sites, also with: Python, Ruby Perl languages. Full build environment with strict SELinux and heavy toolchain/compiler and kernel hardening. Upstream Rust support, and free community services welcome.


Infantile Mail
(@infantile.us emails)

Infantile mail is provided by our sister service Juvenile. It is an email service, which permits pop3, smtp, imap, and webmail support via an onion interface. It resides inside KLOS as a vm alongside my others, webmail as a KLOS shared web service. It is only available for the dark webs best and brightest, minimum account term is one year.


ViewPVS vendor store
(Open source)

ViewPVS is a reliable vendor store and is based on a careful selection of plugins. It supports vending by encrypted address as GPG blocks, with payment in XMR and BTC to your private wallet. This price covers your first month of hosting and support.

$25 to $100 software installs and support.

I will install and maintain a variety of PHP web applications for you with MySQL databases. This includes Drupal, Wordpress, Mediawiki, SMF, phpBB, and more. This includes the picosite software which renders this website, and more. Consult me with your needs and desires and I will best be able to assist you here.

$25 to $100, even $1000 management work

Wise support and solutions for Linux darkweb stuff anywhere!

I will manage your systems and such running Linuxy things, even manage a stack of vms like KLOS on your dedicated server, help you use open source software, and so much more - all for BTC and XMR cryptocurrency. I will do my best to find a solution to your problems here on the darkweb.

If you are interested in these servers contact me via GPG, you can also do the same to ask me for my Session and mail details. Always use your brain and check my canary when conducting business. Check in once in awhile as I use a bundle of GPG keys and sometimes these will be updated. Always use common sense, customers are expected to be savvy with using computers and the darknet.

2024 Kaizu Shibata, server time 22:31:18 15/10/24 UTC

Powered by Kaizu's Picosite 1.2.3 (klos version)!, and nginx running on Gentoo Hardened.

The picosite template file for this website, and the current page.php.
$ ln -s page.php page.php.txt